Course Collection

Course Collection

Course Collection

Global Sugar Consumption

Global Sugar Consumption

Information Digitization · Accessability

Information Digitization · Accessability

Information Digitization · Accessability

Project Summary


Analysis and Redesign the world surgar consumption chart that reveal the relationship between sugar consumption in each country and its socio-economic factors




Student project for

World Population Review Newsletter





Adobe illustrator

Original Charts Analysis

Provide evidence

Original Chart

  1. Poor Colour Accessibility

The colour gradient is not intuitive. It uses light to dark blue, but without sufficient distinction for intermediate values, making it hard to discern small differences. In gery mode, countries has close values appears too similar to each other.

  1. Lack of Clear Context

Lack of explanatory text makes the audience hardly understand the context and story behind the data.

  1. Poor Scaling System

The gradient transitions are vague, with no precise thresholds or indication of whether the scale is linear or logarithmic. This ambiguity reduces readability and makes comparisons between countries difficult.

Chart Redesign

Improving from every detail

Redesigned Chart

  1. Choropleth Map -> Combined Bar and Bubble Chart

Replaced the global map with a bar chart for sugar consumption (per capita, total and population) and bubble charts for GDP per capita. Instead of displaying all countries, I focus on 10 key countries, which simplifying the narrative.

  1. Data Hierarchy

To avoid blurry on colour differentiation, I use 4 layers of data:

  1. Green Bars represent consumption per capita

  2. Cube bar for total consumption

  1. Bubble sizes represent GDP per capita, which intuitively link larger bubbles with higher wealth.

  2. Population is subtly shown with Human icon, adding another data layer without clutter.

To avoid blurry on colour differentiation, I use 4 layers of data:

  1. Green Bars represent consumption per capita

  2. Cube bar for total consumption

  1. Population is subtly shown with Human icon, adding another data layer without clutter.

  2. Bubble sizes represent GDP per capita, which intuitively link larger bubbles with higher wealth.

  1. Improved Legend System

A legend is added to make the information more accessible. Each symbol is distinct and visually tied to the corresponding data representation in the graphic, which reduce cognitive load.

Emma Luo 2025
